Monday, July 2, 2012

Queen jealousy, envy waits behind him.

I suppose envy floods us all. She makes us selfish. I know I am selfish on most days. I honestly don't worry too much about how others feel. Well, till the day it is brought to my notice. Then I realise how horribly selfish I am. All because I am jealous. Jealous of another person having more fun, having a better life, having a better day, it could be anything really. Just at that moment when I stop counting my blessings, I realise I am falling into an endless pit of misery. No good comes from constantly looking for things to be sad about. It takes one person to make you realise how foolish your tantrums are. But as you come to a screeching halt, you find yourself surrounded by a mess. Something you created simply because you were selfish. A moment of anger that will take days to heal. I can always learn though, just need to see all the wonderful things in my life and bask in all the yumminess. 

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